3 Reasons You May be Sabotaging Your Wealth Creation
95% of our thoughts come from our subconscious mind and we often don’t even realise they are limiting our potential and blocking us from achieving our dreams and desires. Our subconscious minds are so incredibly powerful therefore, it’s pretty damn important that we re-program our thoughts and beliefs to be ones that are confident and empowering.
It could be the missing link in your ability to call in abundance, create wealth and ultimately achieve financial freedom. The good news is, that once we are aware of these beliefs we can re-program them to ones that are empowering and supportive of our financial goals. Here are the top three reasons you may be sabotaging your wealth creation.
You believe you cannot have money and a loving relationship and family life at the same time
Many people enter adulthood believing that money and a loving relationship and family life are mutually exclusive and that it is not possible to have both. This creates an inner conflict resulting in you subconsciously sabotaging one or the other. Dig deep to uncover why you think this is the case? Was this the case for somebody in your family? Have you had a relationship breakdown and a factor was work and/or success? What examples or role models are you drawing upon? Really try and discover what experiences have lead to this belief. Once you have done this, look for evidence of the opposite. Are there other role models who have both? Ask yourself if perhaps this is a story you’ve told yourself, in which case you can write a new, more positive and empowering story.
You believe successful people are money hungry and superficial
Everyone knows that person who is only concerned about getting the latest designer shoes or handbag, a new car and living in what they consider to be the best suburb. The people look down upon others for not having these things. It isn’t success and money that has made these people like that, they were already like that. Having more money only makes you more of whom you already are. So if you are kind, caring and generous you will continue to be kind, caring and generous regardless of how much money you have. In fact, you will have the ability to do more for those you love because you have the financial means to do so. What good could you do in the world if you were financially free? How much more time would you have to spend with your family and friends? What charities could you support or create? What positive change could you make in the world?
You believe you can’t make money doing what you love
The more value you provide, the more problems you solve or the easier you make peoples lives, the wealthier you will become. Doing what you love and something you are passionate about will drive you and motivate you to keep going if things aren’t going to plan. Many of the wealthiest people are wealthy because they’ve done what they love, think Steve Jobs.
What are you subconsciously thinking about money? What beliefs are holding you back? Once you discover, acknowledge and re-program these beliefs, you will be surprised just how quickly your life becomes so much more abundant in every way.
If you want to dive deeper into your relationship with money and how to transform it so you feel more empowered and confident, I would love to support you in The Wealthy Woman Private Coaching.
Sound good? Schedule a call below!
Sending love and abundance
This is general information and for educational purposes only.