6 Things I’ve Learnt From Over A Decade In The Finance Industry And How To Use Them To Set Yourself Up
I’ve spent over a decade in the finance industry working with people to create wealth. Here are the top 6 things I’ve learnt so you can use them to your advantage:
1. It’s not about your ability to earn money, it's about your ability to retain money but more importantly multiply money and have multiple sources of income.
Making your money multiply takes time, patience and discipline, but time is going to pass anyway so you might as well be making it work for you! Those that have not only learnt how to multiply money, but taken action and implemented it have created incredible lives full of choice and freedom.
2. Those who define what success and financial freedom means to them and rigorously say no to everything else create financial freedom quicker.
If we don’t have a clear picture of how we want to live our life, it’s very easy to get sucked into what everyone else is doing and what they want you to do. Knowing what success and financial freedom looks like to you helps you say no to things that are not aligned.
3. People who are organised and prepared practically to take action when opportunities present themselves and can take calculated risks will catapult their results.
Being organised and having conducted some research means that when opportunities present themselves you are better prepared to take advantage of them. For example if you are interested in buying property in a particular location and you’ve been watching and tracking the market there for some time, know how much you can borrow and what your cashflow permits as well as your risk tolerance, if a well priced property comes up you are better positioned to take advantage of it.
4. The above only works if they are able to regulate their emotions so they don’t make rash decisions without conducting appropriate due diligence. Your thoughts, beliefs, patterns and emotions around money matter more than you can imagine.
Being organised and prepared does not mean you don’t conduct appropriate due diligence. It means that you’re able to conduct that due diligence quickly. Being able to regulate your emotions means that you can logically look at the facts and figures and walk away from what looked like a good opportunity if the numbers don’t add up.
5. Those that surround themselves with a network of trusted advisors and experts both learn quicker and are exposed to different opportunities. Sit at the table with people that are where you want to be.
When we immerse ourselves in a topic we learn a lot quicker and uplevel our financial thermostat and it opens our eyes up to things we never thought were possible. Don’t sit at tables where you’re the smartest person, sit at tables where you can contribute but also learn from others.
6. If it looks too good to be true and the masses are following it, it probably is. don’t let common sense and due diligence go out the window.
By the time something hits the mass media it’s usually too late!
If you’re ready to have a paradigm shift around abundance, upgrade your money beliefs and create true wealth and passive income, sign up to my newsletter to transform your relationship with money and have access to financial education.
This is general information and for educational purposes only.