Money Beliefs To Let Go Of
We all have thoughts, beliefs, patterns and behaviours when it comes to money and finances which are driven by our subconscious minds. Our beliefs, value systems and financial traumas show up as limiting beliefs and can block our ability to hold onto money.
Thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body
Dr Joe Dispenza
So if we are thinking that it’s not possible for us to change our financial situation, to have the things we really want then that’s what’s creating our reality. After over a decade in the finance industry, here are the most common money blocks I see and ways to have a paradigm shift around them.
Having more money means I need to sacrifice time with loved ones
This belief has often been programmed and re-enforced since we were very young. We may have seen our parents work long hours and wished they could be with us or we’ve seen it play out with others around us. We may have also experienced it ourselves and feel like we can only have one or the other.
This inner conflict is going to screw you up every time. If you’re subconscious believes that you’ll have to sacrifice relationships, you’ll sabotage yourself from getting or holding onto money every single time.
How can you re-frame this experience? Can you find evidence of others who have wealth AND are able to spend time with loved ones? Could you believe that it will enable you to spend more time with your loved ones?
I’m only worthy of having money if I work extremely hard to the point of burnout
I see you, you’re a go-getter, a hustler, you make sh*t happen, you’re driven and ambitious. But you’re also exhausted from the constant push and are nearing burnout.
What if you chose to believe that you could reach your goals without being burnt out and exhausted? What if you chose to believe you could work from flow?
Being in lack or scarcity around money
Do you hoard money and scrutinise every dollar you spend? Do you have thoughts like I can’t afford that or I could never have that? The language we use is so powerful (even for the thoughts in our heads), how can you change your narrative?
Whilst it’s useful to be intentional with how you spend money, being overly controlling repels money against you. Intentionally align your flow of money with your values and open yourself up to receiving! A simple re-frame here is how can I afford it? Or I’m prioritising my money flowing into “xyz” right now. See how this small change can be extremely powerful!
Being fearful of money and therefore burying your head in the sand
Avoiding money is a surefire way to stay stuck and never change your financial situation. You need to know where you’re at and you’ll find that over time you will build more confidence in your own ability to manage and grow your wealth.
Create a money hour of power and a ritual around it, at the same time every week and do things to make it enjoyable. Have a coffee in your favourite cup, a nice glass of wine or play your favourite music.
Look at what’s coming in, what’s going out, how you can stop any leaks (where your spending isn’t aligned with your values and you’re spending money on things you don’t want), how you can increase your income, debt reduction, savings and investing.
If you’re ready to have a paradigm shift around abundance, upgrade your money beliefs and create true wealth and passive income, sign up to my newsletter to transform your relationship with money and have access to financial education.
This is general information and for educational purposes only.