Accelerate Your Journey To Financial Freedom
If you are not where you want to be in life and find you’re struggling on your path to creating financial freedom, here are some tips to help make financial success a habit.
1. Mindset is Key
Like everything in life, feeling abundant is a journey and involves BECOMING the person you need to be first. Consider how a wealthy person would feel, their thoughts and beliefs.
- Would they consistently take action? Both doing the work on their money mindset and implementing practical money management, saving and investing strategies no matter how hard, messy or challenging it was. Absolutely!
- Would they never give up and figure it out no matter how hard it got? You betcha. Would they study how rich people think and behave? Of course!
- Would they carefully consider instant gratification versus working towards their financial goals and long term gain? Absolutely!
- Would they think they’re not worthy of money? That they can’t have everything they desire? Of course not!
The most important thing you need to achieve everything your heart and soul desires is a millionaire mindset.
The first step towards a millionaire mindset is to identify beliefs around money and your money story. How do you feel about money? Like, really feel about money? What is your relationship with it? If we have a crappy relationship with money it’s going to be near on impossible to achieve our money goals. If you think you’re just not good with money, or you can’t seem to hold onto it, do you honestly think your financial situation is going to be any different.
The very first step in your journey to financial freedom is to work on your money mindset.
2. Define your goals and desires and why they are important to you
This may sound obvious, but have you clearly stated your desires and defined your goals? Vague goals like save more money or invest are too easy to veer of course with and you won’t know if you’ve achieved them or not. Set clear goals like save $500 each pay this year or invest $100 each pay this year. Then get clear on why you want to achieve this goal, it may be to reduce stress around money because you have a buffer or to invest so it will replace a x% of your income and you can reduce the number of days you work should you choose to.
3. Rewrite your money story
Now that you have identified your money story and clearly stated your goals and desires, it’s time to re-write your money story and re-program your beliefs. With each statement you wrote about money that is limiting, look at it and objectively ask yourself if it’s true.
Is it really true that you don’t deserve nice things? Of course not.
Is it really true that all rich people are evil and greedy? Of course not, there are numerous philanthropists and people doing really good work who are wealthy.
Is it really true that wanting money and wealth makes you a bad person? No, of course not. If you’re a good person, money will only make you more of that.
Re-write your money story into something that feels better and is more empowering.
4. Re-program you beliefs
Just because we have decided to re-write our money story to a more empowering one, it doesn’t mean it’s going to automatically change as much as we may want it to.
We’ve had years and years of programming and conditioning , so it’s going to take some time to re-programme it. Write an affirmation that feels aligned for you. Some of my favourite ones are:
- I love money and money loves me
- I am worthy of abundance
- It’s safe for me to have money, wealth and love
- It’s safe for me to do work I love and am passionate about AND get paid for it
- It’s safe for me to have money in the bank
- Money flows to me effortlessly
Whatever affirmation you choose, write it on three cards. Put one in your bathroom, one in your handbag and one on your fridge. Every time you see that card, stop and not only read it, but feel it and embody it.
So you may be wondering why I haven’t provided any “practical” steps, the reason is that the practical steps will flow far more easily once we have mastered our internal world and transformed our relationship with money. The inner work always, always comes first as without it the practical steps just won’t work. Don’t be mistaken though, you do have to take ACTION, laying by a pool with a cocktail in your hand not doing anything will not bring your financial freedom.
This is general information and for educational purposes only.