Dollar Cost Averaging
Dollar cost averaging works by investing every week, fortnight or month on a set day. For example if you elect to invest monthly and choose the first Monday of every month to invest in a particular share or ETF, you purchase it regardless of the share price on that day.

How Compounding Works its Magic
Compounding is what makes your savings and/or investments grow at an accelerated rate, the more time, the more compounding, the more your investment is worth.

The Power of Knowing your Financial Freedom Figure
You might ask what is a financial freedom figure? It’s how much passive income you need to be able to have the choices and freedom to do whatever you want.

Diversification – risk and reward
Diversification – What is it & Why is it Important? An explanation of diversification, growth and defensive assets and different

Understanding Your Money Story & Your Relationship with Money and Why It’s so Important
Your Money Story & Your Relationship with Money and Why It’s so Important We all have stories, thoughts, beliefs, patterns

Understanding Total Returns (Capital Growth and Income) and Why it’s Important
Understanding Total Returns (Capital Growth and Income) and Why it’s Important When you’re investing, creating wealth and on your journey